Anti-cellulite tips

Cellulite, the bane of women’s lives, affects both slim and curvy women. Staying slim and wanting to lose that unsightly orange peel skin is the wish of all those who suffer from it. Here’s a look at this problem and the solutions to get rid of it.

1 – Cellulite: how does it work and what to do to get rid of it?

Definition of cellulite

Cellulite is a cluster of cells overloaded with fat that blocks the circulation of lymph and other liquids in the cells. The lymph, which plays an important role in transporting toxins to the organs capable of treating them, can no longer perform this function. The toxins then accumulate and cause localized inflammation on the thighs, buttocks, abdominal wall, overly large arms or any other part of the body. The skin compressed by this inflammation loses its elasticity and takes on this irregular and unsightly orange peel appearance (which can become painful).


The external appearance is therefore only a reflection of what is happening inside. A natural phenomenon whose cause is essentially hormonal, cellulite becomes more pronounced during pregnancy or the menopause. The problem affects nearly 9 out of 10 women and spares men (only 2% are affected).

How to get rid of it?

There are various ways to reduce cellulite, if not to remove it completely when it is too established. The secret of success lies in the joint combination of aesthetic or medical treatments, good dietary habits and the practice of targeted sports activities.

Aesthetic or medical treatments

Manual palpating and rolling This consists of pinching and rolling the compressed skin in order to revitalise the blood circulation and bring new nutrients to the engorged area. The aim is to revascularise the congested area by making it more supple. Palpate-rolling is most effective when combined with a healthy lifestyle and other methods. Mechanical palpating-rolling: LPG Cellu M6 Mechanical palpating-rolling is the mechanical version of manual palpating-rolling using a machine. The LPG Cellu M6 allows the practitioner to be relieved and to obtain a regular repetition of the same gesture without fatigue.

Lymphatic drainage, performed by a physiotherapist in a manual or mechanical way, is a specific massage technique that promotes blood circulation and the flow of lymph towards the veins and the heart in order to relieve congestion in the lower limbs. This treatment is also used to relax the facial features.

Laser This is a device that emits infrared rays introduced under the skin to heat and melt the adipocytes of cellulite. The effect is only visible after 2 months.

Mesotherapy The principle consists of injecting products into the dermis that act on cellulite to stimulate the veno-lymphatic system, defibrillate the tissues and eliminate stored fat. The injection is done with micro multi-injections made by hand or with a gun under the skin with very fine needles.

Cryolipolysis is a cold treatment. Still little known, it is based on the concept of an applicator equipped with an electrode heat extractor. The fatty tissues freeze rapidly to below zero degrees, thus causing the death of the adipocytes. These are eliminated by natural means in the following weeks.

The anti-cellulite suction cups are small silicone bells that reproduce the palpate-roll gesture through a suction effect. Their purpose is to destructure and dislodge fatty deposits and to boost lymphatic and venous circulation.

Surgery (liposuction, lipoaspiration) These surgical procedures consist of sucking out the fat under the skin by introducing a cannula.

The products, the creams The creams sold in the shops are mostly based on caffeine (about 5%) and draining active ingredients. Why caffeine? This molecule contained in coffee helps to destock fat cells. Massage is also very important.

It is not enough to rub the cream into the skin, it is important to make the products penetrate for a long time by repeated gestures. Always massage clockwise on the abdomen and upwards from the feet towards the heart for the legs. To optimise the absorption of the product by the skin, it can be covered with cellophane and left on overnight.

Natural remedies

Some plants will be used in herbal teas or in EPS (Standardized Plant Extract), i.e. in essential oil. The EPS is used in massage mixed with a carrier oil.

2 – Cellulite and diet

A diet rich in antioxidants (in general all foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids), helps to strengthen the skin and fight against free radicals which are partly responsible for cellulite. It is therefore essential to give priority to sufficient intakes of vitamin E, which helps to strengthen the veins.

Foods that help prevent or fight against cellulite are mainly : – Foods rich in vitamin E (wheat germ and rapeseed oil, avocado, walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts, sardines, oily fish) – Foods rich in vitamin C and flavonoids for their antioxidant and detoxifying power.

These include red berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackcurrants, cranberries), kiwi fruit, citrus fruit (lemons, oranges, grapefruit), certain vegetables (onions, broccoli) and soy sauce. Remember to add colour to your plate! – Foods rich in potassium for the drainage of the lymphatic system and known for their diuretic action. On the menu we favour: – Legumes – Dark green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, chard and spinach… – Dried fruit – Cherries and grapes and red fruit for their action on blood circulation

Tip: Remember to regularly add a spoonful of brewer’s yeast to your salads.

– Foods rich in fibre to prevent fat storage, such as figs, aubergines and artichokes, but also parsley which, in addition to its fibre content, has a detoxifying and diuretic effect and a high vitamin C content. – Foods rich in protein (preferably vegetable) to eliminate fat and strengthen muscles. You can also supplement this intake with proteins of animal origin such as white meat, fish, eggs and lean dairy products.
Certain foods should be avoided. You should avoid salt, sweet products (refined sugar) and saturated fats, which are mainly found in :

– Biscuit products, pastries, etc. – Ready-made meals, ready-to-eat dishes, industrial sandwiches, etc. – Cold meats – Alcohol
What you should remember: To avoid the formation of cellulite and to help it disappear, it is important to : – Limit sugar – Optimise fruit and vegetable consumption – Drink water and stay hydrated as much as possible

3 – Top 3 anti-cellulite sports

Some specific sports and exercises will also help you get rid of your cellulite. Among the top three are

Water sports that promote blood circulation in the tissues by offering, through the action of water, a natural draining action. Those to be recommended are swimming, aquagym or aquabike practised in an institute which also combines the action of water jets directed at the areas of the body to be treated. In summer, long walks in sea water, with calves in cold water will stimulate venous return. This activity is also highly recommended if you are pregnant.

Endurance activities carried out for several tens of minutes or, ideally, several hours, which encourage high energy expenditure. They will help to refine the figure but also to fight cellulite and prevent it from reappearing. Cycling, elliptical cycling, brisk walking, running, skipping rope or rollerblading are all good ways to do this.

Strength training for targeted results. Strength training allows you to build up muscles and firm up certain areas of the body in particular (knees, back of the thigh, calves, pectorals….). Carried out with increasingly heavy loads, weight training sessions generate a significant production of adrenalin which encourages the burning of fat and consequently the progressive elimination of fat deposits.

Note: the squat is a reference anti-cellulite activity offering rapid results thanks to its very complete movements, which can be optimised with loads

4 – 5 tips for fighting cellulite

You don’t want to invest in expensive creams, devices or treatments? Some ancestral practices and grandmotherly tricks have given good results…

– Cherry-tail tea

Often used in phytotherapy, cherry stems are reputed to contain a natural detoxifying active ingredient that promotes the circulation of fluids. Cherry tails will therefore have a particularly beneficial effect on cellulite and the orange peel effect due to poor lymph circulation but also on the phenomenon of water retention responsible for aqueous cellulite.

Soak 70 g of dried cherry stems (organic and untreated) in 1 litre of water overnight. The next day, boil this decoction for 10 minutes. Cover and leave to infuse for 1/4 hour. Filter and drink this tea 3 times a day for 10 days. Keep it in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 days.

– The herbal bath

Our grandmothers regularly used baths with draining and detoxifying plants. Imitate them by taking a bath once a week in which you will have put an infusion of which here is the recipe: Put in 1/2 litre of hot water a handful of each of the following ingredients: – Meadowsweet – Ground ivy (not to be confused with climbing ivy, which is poisonous) – Horse chestnut bark – Kelp – Leave to infuse covered for 1/4 hour – Filter – Pour the infusion into the bath water

– Caffeine cream, a home-made product

You can also make your own caffeine cream with ground coffee. When the coffee is strained, collect the ground coffee inside the filter. Add olive or argan oil and stir until you have a smooth, pleasant texture.

– Gym at the office and everywhere!

The aim is to activate the blood circulation. Sitting at your desk, cross your legs over each other and make a circle with the tip of your right foot in space, ten times in one direction, then switch legs. Remember to keep your body straight and your stomach tucked in. Forget the lift and feel free to take the stairs (if possible, take the steps in pairs). Contract your buttocks as quickly as possible wherever you are (office, public transport, in the street…)

– Yawning and laughing without depriving yourself!

It has been proven that stress makes you fat. Yawning allows you to evacuate stress by expelling air through the contraction of your abdominal muscles and helps you relax. If you add a good dose of laughter to yawning, you will release endorphins, the well-being hormone that helps fight cellulite

5 – What is cellulite?

How does cellulite appear?

Lipogenesis, i.e. the storage of fat, takes place under the skin in the adipocytes, which are fat lobules perpendicular to the skin surface. When lipogenesis and consumption of these fats by the body are in balance, the size of the adipocytes remains normal. If, on the other hand, the storage of fat is greater than the body’s combustion of fat, the adipocytes enlarge, compressing the blood and lymphatic vessels and resulting in poor drainage of water and toxins.
We then observe a phenomenon of water retention and degeneration of the fibres of the cutaneous tissues leading to this so specific padded effect called “orange peel skin” that we find more particularly on the buttocks and thighs.

Are there several types of cellulite?

There are three types of cellulite:

– Adipose cellulite: It is soft, painless to the touch and can be noticed when you pinch your skin. It is located on the stomach and hips. It is often the result of excess weight and lack of exercise.

– Aqueous cellulite: It is accompanied by significant water retention linked to problems with lymphatic and/or blood circulation, resulting in a sensation of swollen and heavy legs. Lack of physical activity aggravates this type of cellulite even more.

– Fibrous cellulite: This is also called infiltrated cellulite because it is hard and painful to the touch. This cellulite has generally been there for a long time, which makes it all the more difficult to dislodge.

It is not uncommon for a woman to have several types of cellulite, which is called “mixed cellulite”. There are also more serious cases such as infectious cellulitis, which is a bacterial infection characterised by an inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue. This very serious condition must be treated very quickly with antibiotics at the first symptoms to prevent it from degenerating into gangrene, septicaemia or deadly meningitis.

Cellulite, orange peel skin and water retention… what are the differences?

Cellulite is the consequence of the saturation of the volume of fat cells in certain specific areas of the body, such as the buttocks, thighs, abdomen and inner knees. Cellulite is often associated with stretch marks, a break in the elastin fibres of the skin caused by an increase in volume. Orange peel skin refers to the dimpled and unsightly appearance of the skin when cellulite is present.

Water retention is the consequence


honey: the natural solution to cellulite

As cellulite is a nuisance for many of us, various programmes have been developed to remove it. In reality, cellulite is the result of excessive fat accumulation and water retention in specific areas of the body

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