Sports programme: for a flat stomach

The stomach is one of the most difficult areas to work on in a slimming programme. Weight loss must be general. However, there are a number of exercises that allow you to lose weight on the stomach without having to work the abdominal muscles. Here is a series of sports programmes that will allow you to achieve a flat stomach with complete peace of mind.

Body shaping

Very common in fitness, the sit-up is one of the essential exercises if you want to lose weight and eliminate unsightly bulges. Its objective is to strengthen the deep abdominal muscles, which are considered to be the main contributors to the flat stomach effect.

This isometric exercise has the ability to contract the muscles, without you having to make any movement. Thanks to your static position, the stomach and the whole body are quickly toned. It is important to note that there are several ways to do the sit-up, but to be effective in terms of a flat stomach, you should opt for the “plank”.

To do this, you need to get into a push-up position. Then, rest on your forearms and tiptoes, and keep your head in line with your back, so that your body forms a plank. Also avoid lifting your buttocks. Repeat the exercise for about 30 seconds to ensure your challenge is successful.

The vacuum

The vacuum is also effective for losing belly fat without a machine, with or without a coach, in the gym. More precisely, it is a breathing exercise whose objective is to strengthen the transverse abdominal muscles. To perform it, you must lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor.

Your arms should be positioned at your sides. You can also place your hands on your stomach. Then take a deep breath, pulling your stomach in as much as possible. Then breathe in very gently through your nose, keeping your transverse muscles contracted and your belly button in. Hold this posture for a few seconds before releasing everything with a deep exhale.

Jumping rope

Skipping is one of the most popular sports in the gym for people who want a nice fat-free belly. During this exercise, you will develop cardiovascular endurance, which plays an essential role in fat loss. For best results, it is important to perform this exercise correctly. How do you do it?

Start with small continuous jumps for about 3 minutes to get your body used to the movements. This will prevent you from injuring yourself. Then extend the time to 30 minutes. Do this exercise on average 6 times a week. To motivate you, 30 minutes of skipping will help you burn up to 500 calories and lose more fat.

In addition to the sports programmes, targeted circuit exercises and your regular physical activity, you need to eat a healthy, balanced, lower calorie diet to get the full benefit.



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