Omelette vegetable

World food

Tasty, easy to prepare and available all year round, is the vegetable omelette compatible with a diet? By cooking a light version, it is possible to enjoy an omelette with only 250 calories per dish. Of course, depending on the additions, this calorie count can quickly rise!

Calories in a light vegetable omelette

Using 2-3 medium sized eggs and summer vegetables, greens such as spinach, asparagus, courgettes and mushrooms, with spices, condiments and onions to taste, you get a light vegetable omelette of only 250 kcal.

It is a dish rich in proteins, vitamins and nutrients, compatible with all diets: low-calorie, high-protein, Weight Watchers, etc.

For a more pleasant version, it is possible to add a little cheese and bacon to the preparation from time to time. However, this will increase the calorie content of the dish.

Very simple recipe for a light vegetable omelette

Ingredients (1 person)

– 2 to 3 medium-sized organic eggs – half an onion or a little minced garlic – 1 tablespoon of olive oil – some green asparagus tips, button mushrooms and small tomatoes – salt (optional), pepper, espelette pepper


– Fry the garlic or onion in a frying pan with a little olive oil – Beat the eggs in a bowl – Add the vegetables to the mixture – Pour in the mixture and cook over a low heat for a few minutes (for a sloppy omelette) – Season to taste

Serve and enjoy immediately, with a green salad for example. This is a light, quick and economical dish that the whole family will enjoy, and which has the advantage of helping you to lose weight quickly or to keep your figure.

The benefits of a vegetable omelette

Eggs are excellent, as they provide protein and are well digested by most people. Choose organic eggs and pair them with delicious seasonal vegetables… if you have access to mushrooms whenever possible, add them as they provide many nutrients and vitamins to the body!

Another interesting point is that this type of omelette can also be eaten for breakfast, making the transition to a diet much less rich in added sugars. Your health will quickly improve, as will the weight, which tends to disappear much more quickly this way!

To vary the pleasures, it is also possible to prepare an omelette… in the oven: a great way to treat yourself during the winter!