To lose weight effectively in this particular area of the body, there is no real secret. How long does it take? There is no particular time frame.
It all depends on how diligent you are.
In 1 week you could already see results. But to do this, it is essential to combine several elements.
First of all, a suitable diet.
Secondly, repeated exercises, based on running, leg training, jumping rope, but also training with a gym ball or an elastic fitness band. It is also possible to enhance this process by taking food supplements.
Those based on guarana are effective. Combined with regular physical activity, although not necessarily intensive, these food supplements will activate the burning of lipids present in the body and therefore of stored fat.
To chase fat and lose weight without a yo-yo effect, the diet must not be too restrictive. Exit the Jean Michel Cohen type diets or the tuna diet. Indulge yourself and above all concoct as many home-made recipes as possible, using fresh and why not organic products. And if you have any questions, consulting a health professional may be the best solution.